Sunday, February 24, 2013

Blog Post #6

The Networked Student

I learned that we are not the only class that is sort of doing this whole network teaching thing. I learned that we are not the only students being challenged to learn and teach ourselves. Students have to use different conections to teach themselves. It's a great way to meet new people and get different opinions on everything. They can offer their own opinions to other blogs and know when they update it.

The students can listen to podcasts and support his learning. Itunes has podacasts from some top universities and anyone can listen to them. They can use skype and other social bookmarking tools. Students can share what they have learned with the world as well.

It's still good to have a teacher. They offer guidance when a student is confused or gets stuck. The teacher shows them how to communicate properly with the world. The teacher hopes that when the student leaves the classroom, they will maintain their network and use it in their future. She wants the students to "use it to solve the world's problems." I believe Dr. Strange has the same beliefs.

A 7th Grader's Personal Learning Environment

I liked the girl's PLE. It was actually really cool. I liked the way the computer screen looked and how organized she was. I wish I could be that organized for this class. It would be a life saver! I think our PLN is a bit more advanced than theirs is obviously. But it's still advanced and makes the students have to be responsible. I'm glad that's what our educational system is doing these days. It's finally holding students responsible for their actions. It's also keeping student's from being able to get by with doing nothing in the classroom. I like how both of our classes keeps us involved and the teacher is just a supplement. We teach ourselves and if we have questions, the teacher is right there for us. I'm not sure how doing a report on an animal qualifies you enough to hold it, but I suppose it's a little different where she's from. I like the use of technology but then again, I don't. I wish things were more hands-on and interactive in the classroom. For instance, with our class I wish we could all be in class and do our podcasts together as well as our blogs and other videos. As much as I hate group work, I love the idea of us all being together and looking stupid together. I watched other My Sentence Videos and I would like to make a group one some day. I think that would be really fun and not lame at all.

Point of Interest :)

Kelly Hines, my C4T, put this on her blog. I love this. You'll love it, too if you love "Big Bang Theory" or "Blossom". I didn't know how to just make it a link. It's easier to watch this way anyways. ENJOY!


  1. Hi Emily,

    I really enjoyed reading your blog post for this week. You made a really good point that I had also pointed out in my blog post for this week that The Networked Student is learning similar to the way we are learning in EDM 310. I think that it is a wonderful way to learn but we also need to have hands on and interactive teaching methods as well. I agree that sometimes I wish we had more interaction with our classmates in this course. The thing I liked about The Networked Student is they still went to school three days of the week. I think that was an excellent combination.

    Also, I really enjoyed the video you added to the bottom of your post. It was very intriguing to me and really shows how much of an impact a teacher can make on her students and their future. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Hey Emily,

    I really enjoyed reading your post this week. I agree that we are doing a lot of the same things in class as the networked students. I liked the 7th grader's PLE also. She was really organized and had everything together. Every student should establish a PLE. I think it would help a lot. Making a group My Sentence Video would be so much fun! That's a great idea! The video you posted at the bottom of your post was great. Teachers really do make an impact on their students and other teachers. Thank you for the video! Have a good week!

  3. Great video. I will add it next fall. Thanks!

    Time to learn how to add links. Page 13 of Activities manual.

    Baldwin County is now ephasizing the use of challenge based, project-based and problem-based learning strategies at all grade levels. These efforts are similar to the networked student's approach to learning except the approaches vary according to grade. So get ready to be a Networked Teacher!
