Thursday, April 4, 2013

Blog Post #11

Watching the Skpye conversation and the video of the kids, it really opened my eyes even more to see that teachers are really trying to get the kids to use technology. The world is changing everyday and we must adapt to the changes. I thought it was so cool that the EDM310 class got to Skype with Ms. Cassidy!

Ms. Cassidy has her students do blogs and she even has a webpage for them to use. I like how she said she got really into technology when she received those 5 computers. I know that must have been a blessing! It would be for the teachers of Fayette for sure. By using those blogs, the students have to use correct grammar and type it as well. I also like that she doesn't allow her students to use their last name on their blogs. No one wants a creeper!

The wiki was pretty interesting. I think I'll allow my students to use a Wiki. I like that you can use it to do research about other countries and find useful information on there. That would be a good group or individual project. I saw that they looked up rituals and traditions. EDM310 even made a wiki! That's really cool because they could use it.

The students getting to use Skype will probably change their whole outlook on life and the world. I wish we would have had that opportunity when we were kids. We didn't even have cellphones, much less get to talk to people around the world! I'm so glad Ms. Cassidy is letting her students do that because they will always remember those times they got to talk to kids all over the place. I know I would. I hope when I'm a teacher that I can use Skype as effectively as she does. That would be very beneficial to the students as well as to me.

The Nintendog is a bit much for me. I don't know if I would use that as a teacher. I would like to use more face to face skills to teach math and all of those types of skills. It's a good concept and I'm sure the students love it. I'm just not a big fan.

Ultimately, I think she is a great teacher and I hope I can incorporate technology into the classroom as well as she does. I hope whatever school I work in at least has a computer lab. Seeing all of these teachers using technology so easily makes me excited for the future. I'm glad they are open to change and actually willing to change for the students benefit.


  1. Three years ago, when I first began teaching EDM310 in this format, I was very pessimistic about our local schools keeping up with technology and project based learning. Baldwin County's new Superintendent's emphasis on making technology available and insisting on its use in project based learning, as well as the efforts of the Digital Renaissance Leadership Academy, have made me very hopeful. Now if Mobile County would move into the 21st Century...

  2. Emily, I completely agree with you. We need to be open to new technology and adapt to use it in our classrooms. I was lucky to live in a school district that saw the importance of technolgy and used it in our classrooms. I hope to be lucky enough to work in a district like it and Mrs. Cassidy's.
