Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Summary Post C4T Teacher #3

Diane''s Digital Discoveries

She put a link on her blog to go to a website about image editors on the internet. There was Instagram, Phoenix, Google's Creative Kit, etc. There were some that I didn't know about and I learned a lot about them. Each one just gave an overview of each editor. I commented and said thank you for these tools. I said that I would use them in the future on my photos.

Diane put a link to "12 Most Picture Perfect Ways to Ensure You're Legally Using Online Photos." This was just telling some ways that people get in trouble by using someone else's pictures on the internet. The site said that just because everyone else is doing it doesn't mean that you should. I just said thank you for these wonderful tips and that I had no idea we could get in trouble for using someone's picture.

1 comment:

  1. This teacher seems like a great one to get information from before posting things in blogs. I am sometimes nervous about using pictures in my blog. Thanks!
